Now science was never really my forte but I do remember the chapter on genetics, the whole Punnett Square, DNA, yada yada…and it seems the late MJ defied science! Can someone please explain to me how the formally BLACK MAN has WHITE children? Did he change his DNA as well as his skin color? Or did his “disease” do that? You know the one he claims turned him white…
I’m just saying…my father is dark as chocolate, my mom as white as a ghost, and my brother, sister and I all came out mocha latte soooooooooooooooo whats up??
I’m just saying…my father is dark as chocolate, my mom as white as a ghost, and my brother, sister and I all came out mocha latte soooooooooooooooo whats up??
He never slept with debbie rowe. They were done in vitro. SOOO my guess is he paid one of his buddies to molest a test tube and this is the result. Also I want to comment on how tacky the Jackson Family is for putting the daughter up on stage at the MJ memorial or whatever u wanna call it and exploiting her. Have some shame ppl! Is it worth the pubilicity stunt?!?!